What I'm Watching
We are all Trayvon Martin
We are all Trayvon Martin. He was a boy who did nothing wrong, and Zimmerman came after him filled with ideas and a bullet.
My take is that the Stand Your Ground laws were set into motion to amplify existing self-defense laws and give license, and potential harbor, to a particular group of citizens, as they carry their guns. Take a look at this article:
It's Not Just Zimmerman: Race Matters a Lot in 'Stand Your Ground' Verdicts - Richard Florida - The Atlantic Cities
It's time to end NRA/ALEC sponsored Stand Your Ground laws! Call your Senators and Members of Congress; make your voice heard; make your vote count.
Malala Day - UN Speech of Malala Yousafzai
What I'm watching...Water -- a Deepa Mehta film
I love this movie. I've watched it several times. The sound track is wonderful, this song in particular:
What I'm watching...Mike Birbiglia's "Sleepwalk with Me"
I can't wait to see this film! It will be playing at the Music Box Theatre in Chicago:
I first heard the story by Mike Birbiglia on This American Life with Ira Glass. The movie is based upon this story: