The Search for Life
Pale Blue Dot - Carl Sagan
It's good to be reminded how we are all star matter, partaking in both immense smallness and vastness, both at once -- we are small souls in a vast universe, and perhaps a multiverse. Carl Sagan gives voice to that here -- our Pale Blue Dot -- and I think of it often.
We Are Dead Stars - The Atlantic
Krista Tippett - On Being - Interviews Physicist Leonard Mlodinow
I'm a big fan of Krista Tippett's interviews on her show On Being. I especially love it when she talks to physicists. I can't get enough of the ideas of multi-verses and the beyond the headlines explanations of the Higgs boson; exoplanets that resemble the earth; and the new map of the cosmos that is unfolding at this moment. It's the physicists who bring these worlds to us; it's Krista Tippett's ability to ask the questions that bring the world of science into the realm of interested listeners in a down to earth way as we look in wonder at all that is out there.
The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives by Leonard Mlodinow
Multiverse Rendering - Art by Moonrunner Design - National Geographic
Ever since I saw this rendering, I can't get my mind off of it:
Krista Tippett: On Being: Interview with Marilynne Robinson and Marcelo Gleiser
I loved this interview from this week's episode of On Being!
Radiolab - Blame
From the Radiolab site:
We've all felt it, that irresistible urge to point the finger. But new technologies are complicating age-old moral conundrums about accountability. This hour, we ask what blame does for us -- why do we need it, when isn't it enough, and what happens when we try to push past it with forgiveness and mercy?
Conciousness and the Brain: John Searle - TEDxCERN
Moondancing with the ISS Astronaut Band
What happens when you wring out a washcloth in space - Canadian Space Agency
Girls love rocket science: The Pink Rocket at NASA
God Particle Found - Higgs Boson
New results indicate that new particle is a Higgs boson / CERN
"Objects as large as a planet or as small as a photon can have the property of spin. Spin is also the reason we can watch movies in 3D."
CERN Physicists See Higgs Boson in New Particle - NYTimes
Science on a Sphere - Earth System Overview
Carl Sagan's Cosmos - 13 episodes
The Chemistry of Snowflakes
River Fans on Earth and Mars - NASA
Neil Armstrong - Winking at the Moon

"For those who may ask what they can do to honor Neil, we have a simple request. Honor his example of service, accomplishment and modesty, and the next time you walk outside on a clear night and see the moon smiling down at you, think of Neil Armstrong and give him a wink."