Therese Flanagan

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Bill Cunningham New York


I found the documentary, Bill Cunningham, New York, fascinating. I was first introduced to Cunningham on the fashion pages of the NYTimes. With a digital subscription to the paper, I've enjoyed the video contributions on his street photography, depicting the styles to be found on New York sidewalks.  I'm more interested in photography than fashion, but by the end of the piece I began to see the world through the photographer's eye, and what an eye for fashion, and fashion history, Cunningham possesses.

Cunningham zips around on a bike and finds the sweet spot on a crosswalk where he eyes and shoots, waiting for what he knows, and declares, as the emerging pattern of the season -- it's right before your eyes. He's unpretentious on his bike, just as he is in his own choice of clothing. He lives like an ascetic, amongst file cabinets of his photo shoots. What is seen in the film is the style of the man: he's found a way to be free and to live his life as a photographer and fashion historian in one of the most inspiring cities on earth. New York and Bill Cunningham -- it's a mutual love affair.


*  Available on Netflix streaming.