What I'm Listening to

What I'm Reading and What I'm Listening to

The Collected Stories of Eudora Welty, by Eudora Welty is available today, on Kindle, for $1.99


Tinkers, by Paul Harding, is available today, on Kindle, for $2.99


I belong to Audible.com, and I own a Kindle HDX. This allows me to take advantage of Amazon's Whispersync, that moves between audible and e-book versions of the book you've purchased. Amazon discounts the Audible price, once you purchase the e-book version of a book. I'm really enjoying this feature.

Wallace Stevens : Lecture 19 Yale

Wallace Stevens is considered as an unapologetically Romantic poet of imagination. His search for meaning in a universe without religion in "Sunday Morning" is likened to Crane's energetic quest for meaning and symbol. In "The Poems of Our Climate," Stevens's desire to reduce poetry to essential terms, and then his countering resistance to this impulse, are explored.